Monthly Archives: March 2009

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Trouble On CP

I got on CP, saw new sculptures, bought new stuff, and after I made sum more coins, it was taking forever to load and stuff! Is anyone having trouble logging on CP too?

I know.. Im really Late :P

Hehe… I was gonna post cp news but its been too late XD. Well, on Friday I don’t have school so I’ll try to get on CP at 6 AM! He… That is… If  I am allowed… Well……….. Hm…. I DECLARE THIS RANDOM POST! SOOOOO…

Woot! FCAT is O-V-E-R

Finally! FCAT is done! D-o-n-e!  lalz2 (current expression)

But, we’re gonna have to be quiet the rest of the week or so because there are make-ups, for those who didn’t take the test. 388 (current expression)

BUT, today we had a sorta short and super small party. Actually, we just ate cookies, cupcakes, and cake 😀 . entrance5 But I didn’t eat cake, cookie was big 😛 .

So…  today is St. Patricks! Tee-hee!

googlestpatricks Lolz, isn’t it cute?

Selena Gomez & Demi Lovato Page… Question Mark?

Well, I really love Selena and Demi! They’re my role models! They are both pretty, funny, great singers, great actors, and well… just great! So, do you think I should make a page dedicated to them?

For my Friend :)

If any of you go to Dolls blog, you could see she made a post for ppl to go to my blog! And this is how I wanna thank her.


I hope you like it doll. Plus, to those ppl who go to my blog,



PS. bbf= Doll =3

I Made a Pledge to…


I made a pledge to help out a friend or family member  today, give a hug today, and write a thank you note.

Go to and make a pledge to make the world a better place! *hugz everyone* Now, my thank you note:

Thank you everyone,

Thanks everyone that has helped me. Cord, my best friends, Rrayray, Cmervos, and other countless people. OH AND MY PARENTS! And thanks other people that I don’t know much or hang out with for doing small things like telling what our homework  was or what we had to do. Or for just smiling at me!

Thanks again, Ariadna AKA Dawn

CP toys

😦 I’ll never get more cp toys. I’ll never get those sweet kitty ears. I’ll live with no cp toys. All I have one mix and match and a pack of trading cards 😦 my friends have like tons of toys. Good-bye kitty ears.

And All of this happened just because I forgot to go buy the toys 😦 and now my dad is too lazy to just take 10 minutes to take me to toys r us so I can go buy the toys with my OWN MONEY. All I’m asking him is to just drive me there! But I guess some people can’t have anything. AAAAAAAAND now I can’t do the wi-fi for my cp:epf  WHICH SANTA GAVE ME. Now I’ll just be a lonely person too. Gee, Y do I torture myself?


Well, I have stuff to tell chu so…


Well, as you all know, you can submit drawings for the sculpture contest thingamabober. Don’t forget, dealine: Before March 20.


Plus, the St. Patricks day party starts on March 13 and the 17th. Don’t forget to wear… green.

cp2 And I already see it’s going to be very very.. green.


Don’t forget to buy an adorable white puffle either. I named mine Elphaba ( from Wicked).

cp4 Lastly, go buy some really cute outfits from the new catalog. Click on the MORE to get the feather boa.

cp5 cp6


Well, next week is the FCAT (woo-hoo extra woo), so don’t forget to study and eat well and get tons of sleep. I’ll probably be updating my video page (tomorrow).  Well, I’m really tired so, Dawn is signing out. Nite Nite



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